May 23, 2013 Design Sprint Log

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MAY 25 Design Sprint Welcome! -MJ

Here is the intro video for Design Sprint #3! This video includes a welcome and update from Marcin. We have Brian P and Sam working on the backhoe, Rob discussing the way forward for the car, Justin B is working on the wheel module quick connect, Justin D has completed the quick attach plate and Luke S is working on a wire framework/template for a concept depository.

New Steps for Broadcasting Google Hangout online (works w/firefox too):

1) Go to ... or from your Google+ Home Page, click the left drop down menu and click 'Hangouts on Air'

2) Scroll down the page a little bit and you will see a link to Start a Hangout On Air

3) Title your broadcast and invite people to the can include an invite to a group you belong to, such as the OSE 6 in 60 Community

4) Click Start Hangout on Air (note: if your gmail account is not linked to a youtube channel, you will be directed to youtube to perform this step before you can start the hangout on air)

5) When you are ready to broadcast, click Start Broadcast at the top of the screen. When you are finished broadcasting, click Stop Broadcast in the same location.

The Facebook post brought in several OSE fans who had not yet heard about 6 in 60 and decided to join the hangout: Kristoffer, Tristan C, Guillaume, Brian B, and Ryan M.

Ryan M. has an aluminum foundry and a CNC hot wire cutter; here is some info from chat: Ryan Martin 1:14 PM I have an aluminum foundry and a cnc hot wire cutter btw Not at that level, no, laser heads are just modules to me well, if you are able to decide on an interchangable tool head standard you could try to do it that way. I'd expect a 3d printers extruder would overheat the diode though, hell, you can turn the thermristor off during cut mode for head changer designs i really like the IG-88 Mill design just like 3 millable parts

Tristan C is working on a Nickel Iron Battery and is willing to sharehis research; he is also interested in Wind Turbine technology A forum for batteries:

Rob spoke with Joe Justice from Wikispeed--Joe is evaluating our budget for the sports car and is checking to see if we will have supply chain issues. Target time for Car Week is 4th week in June through 3 July.

Sam's backhoe work: Check out Samthetechie's log and result on the backhoe! Great work for Design Sprint #3