Michael Williams
From Open Source Ecology
- Socratic Method - 60% learning modality - mastery of the subject.
- K12 union - largest union in the USA, bigger than military.
- Use this school to fund another school - and bootstrap.
- European - $24k/year given per student. Average class is 50. $2500*50. They pay a professor, 3%. They spend a lot on admin and sport teams.
- E-Front - [1]
- Solve student debt
- Dreams end at Middle School - as people discourage
- Community learning - not home school, public school, MOOC, etc. Not just K12 but life learning.
- Sage on the Stage - MIT is moving away from the classroom.
- Scale - largest open community meeting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_California_Linux_Expo#:~:text=The%20Southern%20California%20Linux%20Expo,is%20a%20volunteer%2Drun%20event.
- "I want to be an astronaut"
- Badge-based learning
- With AR - you can learn by experience.
- Learn by experience.
- Viral augemented reality - pokemon go is an example
- VR - not there yet.
- Got a $15k building in Cameron.
- $12k annual tuition - from State and Federal coming into a charter school. Integrated learning.
- 20% is administration- insurance, purchasing.
- $1000/yr for 8000 sf for taxes.
- 50 students. $440k for capital and supplies.
- Rotate to different community.
- https://clep.collegeboard.org/exams. You can CLEP out of a course.
- The adjunct professor problem - they are PhDd migrant workers. Add this to Pressing World Issues.
- Robert Reich is the spokesman for the progressives. [2]