MicroHouse 4 Press Release Report

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Here is today's release:


We have had 151 pickups so far.

We were unable to add the Ted link in time, but I think it came out nice. Let me know what you think.

Here are a few of the pickups:





It looks like it was picked up by all the local publications. Vocus changed to OutMarket and also made some changes to their dashboard that I am still figuring out. I'm trying to find out if some of the big cities picked it up too. 151 is a good start and I expect at least 100+ pickups to come.

Please let me know how it goes on your end.


That's great, I'm really happy to see these releases are working for you! We are at 160 pickups this morning. Usually Vocus doesn't register all the pickups right away, so I suspect its more than that. Yes, its online channels and I'm not sure about physical print. I check the pick up sites with Alexa and they have decent traffic stats, so it should get very good exposure.

I have some more ideas in regards to marketing the Micro-Homes (and OSE) that I will send to you as soon as I can.