Microfactory Boot Camp - The Collaborative Mindset
- 0:21 - A collaborative mindset is possible. Public Development is possible. This requires a cultural shift.
- 2:25 - Incentive challenges - X Prize, HeroX - are a way to get a large number of people to contribute to an effort.
- 4:00 - How to crowd fund both a prize and the work that gets done.
- 5:15 - Creating rules to maximize collaboration
- 9:15 - OSE incentivizes people via the public-interest nature of OSE work.
- 15:50 - Development Template - going through the ~40 items of development. Each is hyperlinked for more information about a certain step. See Development Spreadsheet Template to follow the discussion.
- 42:20 - Question and Answer session
Start a Work Log on the wiki to begin your collaboration.