Microplastic Pollution

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  • A Form of Pollution caused by small to microscopic particles of plastic
  • Not too conclusive on effects yet
  • Has been proven to bioaccumulate in fish
  • Has some evidence to show this effects the fish (need to see how much)
  • No obious issue (like silent spring was to ddt etc) yet, but research is ongoing
  • Also need to see if that leads to offgassing/breaking down into other pollutants (Can be a source of POPs )

Information on How Much harm Is Caused

Relevant Wikipedia Excerpt

  • "According to a comprehensive review of scientific evidence published by the European Union's Scientific Advice Mechanism in 2019, microplastics are now present in every part of the environment. While there is no evidence of widespread ecological risk from microplastic pollution yet, risks are likely to become widespread within a century if pollution continues at its current rate.[60]
  • Participants at the 2008 International Research Workshop on the Occurrence, Effects and Fate of Microplastic Marine Debris at the University of Washington at Tacoma[61] concluded that microplastics are a problem in the marine environment, based on:
    • the documented occurrence of microplastics in the marine environment,
    • the long residence times of these particles (and, therefore, their likely buildup in the future), and
    • their demonstrated ingestion by marine organisms. "



  • Breaking Down of Larger Plastics (mainly relevant in areas like the "Pacific Garbage Patch" )
  • Spillage of stored plastic flakes, granuals, or dust
  • Workspace dust production, especially if no efforts are taken to reduce, and it is allowed to spread/be "tracked" out (need better term, getting stuck in shoes and moving essentially)

Reduction Strategies

  • Reduce Number Of Cuts In Plastic via Contious Design Decisions
  • Try and Make Toolpaths Produce Ships or Continous Strands, Not dust

Mitigation Strategies

  • Vacuum dust/chip collection on tools
  • Use wet machinign to make it into a disposable liquid, not a loose solid/aerosol
  • Work over surfaces, and sweep afterwards (use small dropcloths/tarps if outside (like cutting a small pvc pipe) )
  • Do passive/fanless airionizers help?
  • Forced Air Filtration
  • Use Dust Mats and Similar Technology at enterences and exits
  • have dedicated sections of the shop dedicated to high dust processes, and have these technologies in place/to a higher stadard in there

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