Miguel Castro Jr One Page DPV Proposal
The Dedicated Project Visit that I have proposed involves the development of my skills and abilities to replicate the OSE process and products at FeF and in other locations. This includes becoming a reliable member of the OSE team for current and future projects. I would also like to prepare and present myself as a candidate for the 2 year Immersion Training whenever it is to occur. This experience will add meaning to my life that is complimentary to the purpose that I have already given it.
I will accomplish this by immersing myself in OSE culture at FeF. The resources I need include the FeF team to allow the volunteering of my time, energy, skills, and ambition to their current projects to include the CNC Torch Table, the Hydrafabber, the Lifetrac, and the OSE Car. I am attracted to developing the Lifetrac and the OSE Car, but I am willing and able to labor with any project.
The resources that I need are the current software being used to complete the CAD work installed on my PC-laptop or a PC that I am able to use, hands-on experience with prototyping and fabrication to learn the OSE best practices for these processes. I will also need welding safety gear, but intend to purchase my own by the end of the Dedicated Project Visit. I will need the equipment and supplies required to fabricate the Lifetrac, Powercube, and other GVCS products. I will need the materials and parts for the fabrication of a Lifetrac, but I will not need a budget for this as I will purchase the materials and supplies for the Lifetrac. I will need the resources and guidance to construct a Powercube, which I will also purchase the materials for myself. The Lifetrac and powercube I finance and fabricate will be used for training future OSE collaborators/replicators in Milwaukee,WI. However, I understand that another Lifetrac and Powercube may not be one of FeF priorities. In this case, I will use the money I would have spent on fabricating a Lifetrac and Powercube and allocate it towards the equipment necessary to begin my fabrication of GVCS equipment in Milwaukee, WI. I will be at the service of FeF. If this is provided, I will readily adapt to the OSE culture and become virtually autonomous unless being led via the appropriate project leader via the meritocracy and during collaborations by the end of the Dedicated Project Visit.
The metrics by which I may assess the success of my work is that I will be able to competently prepare and use all equipment and materials required to produce the CAD files required for a project and fabricate one or more of the projects from scratch by myself or with another individual. This may be measured by my ability to complete the fabrication of a Lifetrac the last 4 weeks of the 8 week Dedicated Project Visit and be proficient in the CAD software used to create 3D digital models of the parts and projects. As mentioned previously, if my time is better utilized on other projects, the metrics for my assessment can be based on my proficiency and competency in all of the materials and processes used for fabricating all of the GVCS projects. Another metrics will be my ability to be relatively autonomous while living and working at FeF.