Mike Williams Log

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Mon Nov 23, 2021

By setting up an articulation agreement from Community College or Colleges.


GBL - Articulation


Sun Nov 7, 2021

You mean colleges are transitioning, not closing? Seem to be more startups than closures - https://www.higheredtoday.org/2019/09/23/colleges-closing-spoiler-alert-probably-not/

$32k/year - sounds like an investment. For us, perhaps the Open Source Panopticon would do - live feeds from workshop - feeds from classroom. The ultimate metric being clear: new products developed and published, new institutions created, etc. Towards distributed market substitution - https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Distributed_Market_Substitution - and systems transformation.

We should go for the 50/50 with a 'college in trouble'. Or divergent thinkers at non-troubled colleges who are into program/business development and solving pressing world issues. Do you think we can find the latter?

For the college in trouble, the offer could be GI Bill funding. Jon Miller said that he thinks we would get 2000 applicants TODAY through GI Bill if we offered the program in open source ecology. Do you think we can do something here?

I like the idea of a nonprofit fund to solve pressing world issues. But it would be good if somehow we can inject greed motive into that, as there is very little ethical money around. Ie, what could the investor get out of it? My simple answer to that is financial independence by us developing model communities that the investor can live in - free of killing and stealing. Do you think people would buy that?

Publishing at You mean colleges are transitioning, not closing? Seem to be more startups than closures - https://www.higheredtoday.org/2019/09/23/colleges-closing-spoiler-alert-probably-not/

$32k/year - sounds like an investment. For us, perhaps the Open Source Panopticon would do - live feeds from workshop - feeds from classroom. The ultimate metric being clear: new products developed and published, new institutions created, etc. Towards distributed market substitution - https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Distributed_Market_Substitution - and systems transformation.

We should go for the 50/50 with a 'college in trouble'. Or divergent thinkers at non-troubled colleges who are into program/business development and solving pressing world issues. Do you think we can find the latter?

For the college in trouble, the offer could be GI Bill funding. Jon Miller said that he thinks we would get 2000 applicants TODAY through GI Bill if we offered the program in open source ecology. Do you think we can do something here?

I like the idea of a nonprofit fund to solve pressing world issues. But it would be good if somehow we can inject greed motive into that, as there is very little ethical money around. Ie, what could the investor get out of it? My simple answer to that is financial independence by us developing model communities that the investor can live in - free of killing and stealing. Do you think people would buy that?


I sent a list of closed colleges, some of the colleges were acquired, but some just closed and had no suitors.

We could acquire a college that we have a collab with. The idea is to get a college that won't last, acquire it. If not start another collab, and transfer students under new college. etc, so no students would lose their credits as other colleges have done with their students.

Blackrock, the largest investment co in the world has set a rating system under sustainability that all the other investment co follow. "Sustainability is BlackRock's standard for investing Our investment conviction is that climate risk is investment risk and that integrating climate and sustainability considerations into investment processes can help investors build more resilient portfolios and achieve better long-term, risk-adjusted returns."

If our fund could prove to investors that we are sustainable, provide humanitarian relief by providing farm, construction machinery that is cost-effective, bull shit, bullshit, and more bullshit. AND returns a profit... even while providing inexpensive machinery,,, at a better rate than the Chinese,,, then presto,, funds

I found that when I was working with NGOs in Angola & Congo setting up MOOCs 5-6 yrs ago, the Africans what the same quality of education as 1st world countries. They don't want to have [hand-me-downs or cast-offs].

I'm speaking plainly, I'm certain you can make your prototype attractive without a cost penalty? I know it's stupid to pass on a great machine cause it isn't fashionable.. And I agree with you! But the public is stupid.

I believe that if we develop education & training leading-edge tech, where we provide certs for construction & maintenance training hyperloop, boring company, martian colonies, flying cars. etc

Colleges & Profs can barely keep up with the past tech. Most CS Profs are not even keeping up on the programming languages that are being used in Tech.


Yes martian colonies - such as closed loop water systems for shit integrated with aquaponics for food.

Yes lower cost and attractive at no cost penalty, that is just adding a skin. Investment fund could be a percentage on the open machines that students produce. With reasonable cap to avoid parasitic behavior. So we'd want to define that revenue share model.

How does one start an investment fund?