Mindaugas Indriunas
[hide]Team Culturing Information
last updated: 24. April, 2011
WHO are you?
- Name/Nationality/Ethnicity - Mindaugas Indriūnas, Lithuanian, Universian
- Location – Vilnius, Lithuania
- Contact Information – m / indriunas \ universians / org
- Introductory Video -
- Resume/CV – http://universians.org/~mind
- Hobbies and Pastimes - Astronomy, Electronics, Ecology, Herpetology, Asian languages, Physics, Inventions, Optimization, Chemistry, Computer Science, Information Engineering, Mathematics, Bioengineering, Psychology, Sociology, Management, Finances, Linguistics, International Auxiliary Languages, Ideographic and Sign Languages, Neuroscience, Project writing, Investing, Everything...
WHY are you motivated to support/develop this work?
- Do you endorse open source culture?
Yes, and I miss opportunities to use Open Source hardware.
- Why are you interested in this work?
This project addresses the issues that brought me to come up with an idea with the same intents, and to create http://h0w2.info . I wholeheartedly share the ideals of an Integrated Human.
- Are you interested in teaching about the GVCS?
Yes, I am especially interested in improving the accessibility of the knowledge provided by OSE, simplifying its presentation and transfer from those who already have experience in building to those who don't believe they could do it.
- Are you interested in economic relocalization possibilities arising from the GVCS?'
- Do you want to use the GVCS technologies yourself? Do you want to build them yourself?
Yes. Yes.
- Are you interested in starting up enterprise using the GVCS technologies?
Not at the moment, but sooner or later I will be very interested in it.
- Are you interested in having the GVCS technologies fabricated by your local custom fabricator?
Very much so.
- Are you interested in applying the GVCS to third world development? To redevelopment of crisis areas? To development of derelict areas in the developed world?
- Are you interested in starting up Industry 2.0 flexible fabrication enterprises for your local community, by drawing from a global repository of freely down-loadable designs and fabricating using open source fabrication equipment?
Yes, very much so.
- Are you interested in the potential of the GVCS for developing local food systems?
- Are you interested in doing academic studies/papers, publishing books, or doing other analysis of our efforts?
Very much so.
- Are you interested in financial investment opportunities arising from our work?
- Are you interested in the distributive economic aspects of our work, and if so, how do you see this playing out?
Yes, especially interested in the sharing of sharing of ideas, and applying the open source software principles to hardware. As for the distribution of the products and natural resources, I think we can create an open source good global resource distribution information system, and distribute products .
- Are you interested in building renewable energy production facilities based on open hardware (solar concentrator electric, wind, biomass power).
Yes, very much so.
- Are you interested in building resilient communities based on access to the GVCS?
- Are you interested in creating a bug-out hut using GVCS technologies?
Yes :)
- How do you think that the GVCS can help alleviate the instabilities of global monetary systems?
By concentrate on satisfying: NUTRITION, HEATING (esp. for higher latitudes), ENERGY, TRANSPORTATION needs.
- How do you think that the GVCS can address issues related to resource conflicts?
By changing the cultural attitude towards sharing: just like the open source software can make groups of people friends ready to share everything rather than compete, I believe open source hardware (starting with GVCS) has the power to bring this culture to the world of tangible objects.
- How do you think that the GVCS can address issues of overpopulation?
Indirectly, through bringing the culture of sharing and teaching for free, which includes teaching the about the implications of overpopulation.
- How do you think that the GVCS can address issues of resource depletion and environmental degradation?
Through improving the GVCS (releasing new improved versions of machines).
- What should happen so that you become more involved with the project?
The instructions made shorter, and understandable to my relatives, so that they could understand that we can have a comfortable life with sharing without money
- What are you missing in the project?
Versioning of designs at a repository like the open-source programming projects.
- What are your suggestions for improvement of the project?
I think it is important to have the drawings of these already-created 8 projects available as direct links from the main page, these links should PROBABLY lead an open source repository, such as code.google.com.
- Other comments
- What have you already contributed to the OSE project? (technical contributions, blogging about us, financial support, organizing events, translations, interviews, video editing, publications, publicity work, behind-the-scenes work, CAD work, wiki contributions, computer support, etc)
Financial support, and also, I have started simplifying the instructions for making the CEB press, in order to make them more accessible.
- Not any of these, but I do have experience in marketing, and have interest in being an information architect. I have created http://h0w2.info, and have interest in organising knowledge. I have experience with managing AdWords.
- I have experience in writing mass customized e-mails, maintaining a database of friends, and using CRM solutions for personal life. I have interest in project management. I am using ganttproject for my own projects.
Computer Support
- Yes, I have been contributing to development of an open source software (OpenERP) as a programmer. I use Linux. I maintain a tiny Local Area Network. I have administered a wiki.
- Neither of the above yet.
- Yes.
Home Economics
- Little experience in these fields.
- I am familiar with CAD software, such as the Inventor, AutoCAD, and Blender.
- None of the above.
Electronics and Magnetics
- Little experience in these fields.
- Little experience in these fields.
- Little experience in these fields.
- Little experience in these fields.
HOW can you help?
- How are you interested in contributing to the work of GVCS development?
I am interested in writing very accessible documentation for GVCS.
- Can you volunteer to work with us, and if so, how many hours per week?
Probably more than 10 hours a week.
- Are you interested in working with us for pay? If so, what services can you offer, and what is your hourly or per-project rate?
Probably. I can help maintain the wiki. I can review the already-written descriptions of cases of building GVCS products, and rewrite them in a more organised and motivating way.
- Are you interested in a Dedicated Project Visit?
Yes. Maybe I am currently living in Lithuania, EU, but from the end of this summer I plan to come to the US, Indiana.
- Are you interested in purchasing equipment from us to help bootstrap development?
Not at the moment, but next year - perhaps.
- Are you interested in bidding for consulting/design/prototyping work?
Not at the moment.
- Are you a True Fan? If not, why not?
- Would you like to see yourself working with us on a full-time basis?
- Are you interested in using the technologies that we are developing directly?
- Are you interested in being part of the world's first, open source, resilient community? The GVCS is the preparatory step for the OSE Village Experiment – a 2 year, immersion experiment (2013-2014) for testing whether a real, thriving, modern-day prototype community of 200 people can be built on 200 acres using local resources and open access to information? We are looking for approximately 200 people to fill a diverse array of roles, according to the Social Contract that is being developed. This may be the boldest social experiment on earth - a pioneering community whose goal is to extend the index of possibilities regarding harmonious existence of humans, ecology, and technology – as a beacon of light to benefit of all people on Earth.
Yes, very much so!