Moral Intelligence

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Moral intelligence is adeptness in behavior which leads to morally sound decisions and actions.

Moral intelligence is the key of intellectual and emotional intelligence because it drives the others. As such moral intelligence by giving purpose allows for rapid learning it is more important than intellectual intelligence because it gives purpose and meaning to the quest for intelligence. Thus moral intelligence is the key to open collaborative mindsets.

Amoral means without any form of morality. This is not the same as immoral which means having bad morality. Silicon valley, a driving force in today's society, is said to be amoral and consists of two types of amoral people: on the one hand these driving to become billionaires, and two on the other hand, people who want to build cool s***. Both miss critical aspects of Integrated Humans, and are thus dangerous to society.


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  • Wikipedia says the MI is key to rapid learning - it is an enabler of other intelligence. Why? I suspect is that you are clean, not weighed down by other BS
  • Most successful leaders are morally gifted, but very few of them are moral geniuses.
  • Instead of the CIA, we can start the MIA: Moral intelligence is not just important to effective leadership; it is the “central intelligence” for all humans. Why? It’s because moral intelligence directs our other forms of intelligence to do something worthwhile. Moral intelligence gives our life purpose. Without moral intelligence, we would be able to do things and experience events, but they would lack meaning. Without moral intelligence, we wouldn’t know why we do what we do — or even what difference our existence makes in the great cosmic scheme of things.
  • Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence, Goleman and his co-authors, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee, tackle the boundary between emotional and moral intelligence when they discuss how good and bad leaders can use the same emotional competencies:
    • Given that adept leaders move followers to their emotional rhythm, we face the disturbing fact that, throughout history, demagogues and dictators have used this same ability for deplorable ends. The Hitlers and Pol Pots of the world have all rallied angry mobs around a moving — but destructive — message.
  • Research tells us that emotional intelligence contributes more to life success than intellectual or technical competence. Emotional intelligence can help you behave with great self-control and interpersonal savvy. But emotional intelligence alone won’t keep you from doing the wrong thing.
  • culture of business in the last half century has discouraged all of us from talking about the “m” word. If there is a silver lining to the recent corporate scandals, it is that moral lessons are inescapable. The time has come to openly acknowledge the contribution of moral intelligence to effective leadership and sustainability.
  • Scarcity Mindset Warning - after all the rigamarole of moral intelligence, authors still say, Will you have to compromise sometimes between your beliefs and the demands of your work environment? Yes! BS alert. Conflict will arise. But you don't back down on moral principles. That's how we get into the current mess in the first place.


  • Lind, Georg (2008). "The meaning and measurement of moral judgment competence: A dual-aspect model". In Fasko, Daniel Jr; Willis, Wayne (eds.). Contemporary Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives on Moral Development and Education. Hampton Press. pp. 185–220.
  • MI has cognitive aspects (knowing right and wrong), conitive aspects (intent, motivation, will) and affective. The affective domain is an approach to develop moral intelligence through sense of when a situation is a moral dilemma, knowing how to respond to a problem appropriately, and learning how to develop a set of values. Such as the Trolley Problem

How to Grow Moral Intelligence

  • For children - [1]