Mucusless Diet
By Arnold Ehret - apparently a seminal figure in natural healing. Ran a sanitarium, healed thousands of 'incurable' patients.
- All disease starts with a clogged intestinal tract
- Answers why fruit diets and fasting give such mixed results, and why precision is needed
- Diagnosis measures vitality, internal tissue decay, poison vs mucus in body
- 65% of colons in autopsies have found decades old feces stones
- The average 'healthy' person carries in them a few pounds of never eliminated feces
- Only slightly change is diet is December kmended as cure. Steps be taken slowly.
- the most exact, unerring diagnosis is a short fast - the faster they start feeling sick the more encumbrance they have
- 'Differences of ideas are caused largely by diet'
- Tongue surface represents appearance of other organs.
- Face, breath, tongue, feces, urine tell your condition.
- Average person will take from 1-3 years of a cleansing diet to get clean
- Lungs are the pump and heart is the valve
- Good food will make your feel.sick first as elimination begins, and you go back to bad food thnking bad food is good and good food is bad. That is how people try it and say it doesn't work. So now your know.
- Drugs - work by diverting body to fight that drug instead of healing through symptoms
- Subluxations of spine are also dirt in joints. Ehret saw many crooked spines fixed by fasting.
- Psychological treatment is good insofar as it avoids drugs - but us not good if it doesn't address the material cause.
- Food values should be notes as distinctions of healing, cleansing, or eliminating
- Critique cal.understanding of food: how far and fast change can be made, what food combinations are good, and how long and often to fast
- All fruits, nuts, and green veggies are good.