Nathan Parker
More Notes
- DIN Spec - OSE Germany - Open Source Hardware Standard -
- - Open Knowhow data structure for hardware
Mon, Sep 23, 2019
- Anna Waldman-Brown -
- Hackaday - talk to them directly - on the design challenge. See if they are willing to change their model to run the experiment with them. Adam Benzion? Seattle is their main base?
- Hackster -
- Hackaday - - Stephen Tranovich. World Create Day - crack at solving a pressing world issue.
- Nathan - microcontroller, cad, 3d printing, proces design, operationalizing; operations and project management. Right now - design in CAD and 3D Print. Weld and carpenter. General maker.
- For the workshop - do 2 tracks; beginner and advanced, and those are 2 different events. 1,2, or 4 module version of this. Get a skills assessment of everywhere.
- Tailor this to advanced people - how to build this and also teach others to do this. Small group of people that are already more experts.
- Design thinking is part of this, absolutely.
- Mostly: audience for beginners - open source design thinking for beginners.
- Instead of trying to cram a few days of design thinking - at advanced level - it will be a thing in itself.
- There is a 'build it and they will come thinking' - no, it takes time.
- Opportunity that exists here is to make nonobvious connections - of advanced people. Then it spreads out to common people.
- 3 business days - 1 is local supply chains - true costs vs exernalized costs. We teach them.
- First ring of people are more trained - say in advanced concept like local supply chains.
- AR in Fusion 360 -
- Exit survey - find out what people want more of.
- Suggestions - on business side - can cover pooling resources: how to set up a coop. Or another business structure.
- Intentionally build the connections for participants. Structures to keep aware of what everyone is doing. Reconnect to your cohort.
- Structures: Incentive Challenge; Extreme Builds. MIT Media Lab did well - programs that connect people. Collaborative. Rely on each other. Get in the habit of doing that. Approach to problemsolving.
- Meetups with Dev Kit, Hackathons, Extreme Builds, Incentive Challenge. Forum. Get people who are the experts in the process. You need a community of experts - the Instructors will be it.
Session 1
- Nathan is the founder of Makernet -
- Green Fab Lab - Bolivia - Marco Zubieta -
- Lebanon -
- FabLab -
- Iraq -
- Cofounder - killed in June - car accident going to Nation of Makers Event
- Revenue model -
- Makernet is 501c3 with a subsidiary LLC. Nonprofit owns IP. Gives platform to maker labs. Capability mapping is the data that Makernet could generate, for sale.
- Phase 1 is to build the platform. 5-6 spaces running. 20 spaces in setup.
- Working on this 4 years already,
- Warsaw event - Internet of Manufacturing Summit, by Makernet Alliance. Designs that not create another Instructables, but a real data model for open hardware. Open Knowhow working group.
- Bay area people -
- - Brian Spurlock
- Group call of people working on the Data Model. It already has a stable v1 release. Careables, Enable, Fieldready. Taxonomy for open hardware.
- Capability mapping - of people and skills for disaster areas
- Nation of makers -
- Nathan does development operations - new comfig file to github. Docker and kubernetes - I want to run this on a certain hardware. Commit that and spin up/spin down servers.
- Coop - straightforward bit of text that allows you to run your operation.
- Open Knowhow groups is more focused on data model - they are focused on a format for a manifest. What is a manifest? Manifest is a format for a data file that has all the details of how to build something.
- Manifest can pull everything and build an archive on your local system.
- Open repos of hardware - Ex. open source medical prosthesis. Or appropedia.
- Prototyping now - paid work in dev. Pays SF startup money.
- Artisan's Asylum- Gui from Megabots started it, friend. Ecco - another person - started to run Artisan's Asylum.
- David Downling from Portland, ADX makerspace.
- Anna Walden Brown - - gathered atlas of makerspaces -
- Data aware spreadsheets - quick mockup. Link all necessary pieces to developing it.
- Example of Makernet platform -!/
- Will send an Airtable later today.
- Spread everything out on the Diagrams page
- Essentally 2 kinds of people: paid developer, and instructors. Offer say 75% to people, crunch the numbers, and see what makes sense. Offset upfront costs by paying off back end.
- Possibility of doing prototyping or project managing the development?
- Ecco -
- MakerMedia - people
- Explicitly - work out the details of Product Design. Phase 1 is R&D.
- Ship kit - box shipped and repo. Break down BOMs for what's required for each project.
- 3 MOUs - contributing as OS; pros at pay; potential teachers, potentially subsidize R&D off the back end.
- Global Innovation Gathering - GIG - next event at -
- Precious Plastic - as far as ecosystem - that is the one for integrating into. Tap into that.
- Set up a call for a week from now. Same time next Mon. 10:30 AM.
- Another person to be introduced.
- Sherry Huss -