Nmap:Management/Workshop Design::3D Printer X 18.10

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Tension Processed

Marcin claims the workshop is a transformative experience because people build something in 1 day w/ no prior knowledge. At best, this claim is unsubstantiated except for what Marcin says. There's no surveys, no testimonials, no recorded interviews. However, based on what I've heard from other non-Marcin sources, I've heard from 4 diff folks that it's: disorganized, badly time budgeted, folks expectations upset, final product outcome not 100% successful, safety procedures woefully in need, rumor mills misleading participants leading to re-work, incomplete knowledge of entire building process on an individual basis, and inadequate support for total beginners. This should not be so.

Process for Improving

I recommend some variation of applying "The Basics of Process Mapping" found here.

Here's what gets done in this process:

  1. Use 3 diagrams to visualize processes: swimlane diagram, flowchart, and relationship maps.
  2. Identify metrics from the outside-in: for a specific item, who is the customer? What do they value? (metrics) And what does demand look like?
  3. Figure out how to track: "% Complete and Accurate" and "First Pass Yield" % defect-free items and "throughput" # items completed / unit time
  4. Figure out how to automate any metrics
  5. Use the 6 countermeasures to improve workflow: workflow design, information systems, motivation & measurement, human resources, policies & rules, facilities

Initial Plan

  • Organize build into "Build Phases," with the flow: Teach-Build-Approve-Feedback
  • Identify how to measure the things that workshoppers value: learning theory, learning technical skills, feeling supported while learning
  • Insist that all questions be asked only to fellows. We will document all questions and provide accessible answers, on-the-fly.
  • During build, attendees follow this workflow: attempt-struggle-reference-ask... in doing this, improve documentation.
  • As QC folks get trained, follow this workflow: invite-ask-prompt-standby

Instructor Flow

  1. Theme - at the beginning of each module, speak to the theme.
  2. Teach - for each build phase, cover conceptual work, then technical work. Refer to theme as relevant.
  3. Build - let people build. stay in 1 spot, and let people come to you. Potentially have a queue system. "Instructor, queue me up -- Revlon--Alex" Give printers names. (specify? with conceptual q, technical q, approval)
  4. Document - cover any questions. ask folks to check reference first. document answers.
  5. Approve - show people a printed-out quality control checklist. Guide them and doing it themselves. Watch them guide the next person in doing it themselves. Give the 1st approved person a special necklace or colored index card, as well as they checklist. Now when ppl queue up, they can be handle it.
  6. Feedback - When people are approved, have them fill out a short survey about their xp in that build phase.

Learner Flow

  1. Attempt - Follow the instructions and do the next thing.
  2. Hypothesize - If you're not sure or run into a problem, think about why. Consider possible alternatives. Do this for 2-3 minutes. Write it down if it's helpful. Basically, come up with a hypothesis if you can.
  3. Reference - See if there's anything written about questions others have asked.
  4. Ask - Ask your question by getting on the queue. Or just go up and write it up on a chalkboard or something. Queue in google docs.

Trained QC Participant Flow

  1. Join - Go and provide support, first by asking, "Hey there, can I join you/this group for a moment?"
  2. Update - "So what are you working on right now?"
  3. Intention - "What do you think you need to do next? I'm just here to listen and provide support."
  4. Standby - "Okay cool, well if there's anything you want support on, I'm here to help!"

Survey Flow

  1. In understanding to do this build, I felt: * very unsupported * unsupported * neither unsupported or supported * supported * very supported
  2. If I had to this again by myself tomorrow, I feel the following way about my ability to do it: * very uncertain * uncertain * neither uncertain or confident * confident * very confident
  3. There's still things I don't fully understand about this part of the build: * yes * no
  4. Estimated # of questions I had that took more than 1 minute to clarify: [0-100]

Other Survey Considerations

What matters to me?

  • that i learned a conceptual topic
  • that i learned how to put shit together
  • that i felt like i could help others do it too, confidently
  • that i understood how this would help me later in xyz situation
  • that i could get help when i needed it
  • that i didn't feel lost
  • that i felt supported
  • that it's a "transformative xp"
  • feeling engaged
  • feeling like what i'm doing is worthwhile
    • what's possible in a short amount of time
    • how ppl can work together
    • that hardware isn't that hard
    • that you can build the world around you
  • learning theory
  • learning technical skills
  • feeling supported while learning