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OSE's goal is to level the playing field for prosperity, freedom, and justice for everyone by creating a culture of abundance. We get there by learning self-efficacy towards self-actualization and self-realization as a means to the discipline of open collaboration.

We teach through the Apprenticeship, defining metrics of success and incentibizing for them. We start with asking important questions for the prosperity of the world, and move on to tackle impossible problems. We produce solutions by collaboration, commitment to lifelong learning, and the discipline of abundance. To set a new stage for civilization, where self-determination is key.


  • Integrated builder -745 burndown
  • Pay scale - Individual skill burndown. Individual skill burndown - includes spec. If not meet spec - that means time is
  • Quality of questions proposed by students. List is kept in a wiki page.
  • Time to learn to Count - physical numeracy of all mass physics. Phase 2 is energy physics. Statistics and data analysis. Graphing. Why learn to count. Magnitudes and natural world quantities.
  • Time to learn to read. Both speed/comprehension, and reading tables and data sheets and known information. Why learn to read.
  • Time to learn to collaborate (collaborative literacy) on scalable developmentproject (million people).
  • Time to learn CAD and part libraries.
  • Time to learn 500 mechanisms.
  • Time to learn 500 algorithms
  • Time to learn to design anything.
  • Time to understand common materials and how to produce them. Rocks, sunlight, plants, soil, water.
  • Time to self-efficasize, self-realize, self-actualize.
  • Time to abundance mindset, meaning the theory and practice of global collaboration. This is a philosophy and practice.
  • Time to achieve 50 project teams for Distributed Market Substitution-scale development. Probably a campus level 240-2400 scale for each.


  • You will discover something - some passion. This makes it sticky. Must have ability to go deep into it.
  • Midwit = line mentality
  • Intention = create critical thinkers. Self-determination = ability to problemsolve on your own.
    • People need to problemslve: 1. not make it worse, 2. figure how it happened, 3. figure hot it never happens again
  • Emphasize the teachability of things.
  • There is more than one answer.
  • Design into process: not having to go into a corner to solve a problem. If you are in a corner. Process: 1. state a goal. It's not a goal without a timeline, and consequence for not doing it. 2. State when 3. Have a consequence.
  • Teach habits that lead to accelerated performance. Leads to confidence.