OSE Apprenticeship Video Edit
1. Download footage: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MnNXRR9NWi66Nars6. The 3 source files and one final video are already there.
2. Add background footage so that the words are substantiated. My face should appear but only for short segments here and there. We have tons of footage available, so pick clips as needed to make the best video. the following are other videos:
- Different machines - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOjeROydJ0yxqazgme3IdqC9bv00GJxA1D-qG5iKmeJdWw2RpbbXvJuRnM4DkXhNw/photo/AF1QipOs86sIKAGwBNOGO2xjVd65uBdQrZLPC839dKPW?key=SFlLbzFnaWhoRDNBbEhWWUJlS0ludUpjTXc2NzBB
- Construction aspects of Open Building Institute - [1]
- 3D Printing and Open Source Microfactory + teamwork - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRYacJW77Gs
- Open Source Philosophy - some machine clips- CAD - [2]
- Tractor [3]
- CEB [4]
- Power Cube [5]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse [6]
- Practical Post-Scarcity - [7]
- Useful Variety
- Team Pictures
- OBI Lightning Fast Instructionals
- Microhouse 1 Sequence
- Machines and Build Collection - OBI Kickstarter Source - [8]
- Instructionals series - [9]
- Instructionals Sequence [10]
- House Modules Pix Sequence [11]
- House Modules Library [12]
- House Interior Pictures [13]
- House Evolution Sequence [14]
- Home Asembly Sequence [15]
- Home Expansion Sequence [16]
- Crazy Machines Sequence - [17]
3. Upload the video to the folder with the original source file.