OSE Friends
- Open Capitalist - http://www.opencapitalist.org/index.php?link=Latest
- Abundance Journal, Joseph Jackson - TF - http://www.adciv.org/Abundance_Journal
- Advanced Civilization, Charles Collis - TF - http://www.adciv.org
- MakerBeam - http://makerbeam.com/ by Sam Putnam
- CubeSpawn - TF - http://www.cubespawn.com/
- RepRap - Hydraraptor - http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/
- Erik de Bruijn - RepRap developer - TF - http://blog.erikdebruijn.nl/
- Edward Miller - TF - RepRap builder - http://embraceunity.com/
- Leo Dearden - EMC2 CNC machinist - http://fabricationsofthemind.blogspot.com
- Heath Matlock - interest in Universal Power Source (including plasma cutter and induction furnace) and free fabrication - part of Austin party - http://freefab.org/
- http://bildr.org
- Community Planet Foundation - [1]
Second Tier
- Electronic Frontiers Foundation - http://www.eff.org/about/staff
- TechShop - http://techshop.ws/