OSE Linux 101
Hint: Current OSE Linux version is 2.0 - https://www.caldorkids.com/ose/
OSE Linux is a free downloadable operating system that contains all the software that is used regularly at OSE. OSE uses only open source software to produce all of its work product to facilitate interoperability with a large global team of developers (and future users). OSE releases new versions periodically, and the developers download the entire operating system and bundle of programs in a half hour or so. Using OSE Linux minimizes software malfunction, improper settings, and the time it takes to download or install various software extensions, workbenches in FreeCAD, browser plugins, etc. This addresses the tens of hours that it would potentially take to download and configure all the software and libraries in common use by OSE. It can be downloaded to a bootable USB stick, and instead of using one's regular operating system. One can choose - upon startup - to run the OSE Linux operating system from the USB without the user having to modify or upset their usual operating system in any way whatsoever. (There's more info about OSE Linux on its own page.)
- Download the current version of OSE Linux.
- Install it: Please review the installation instructions for your operating system below.
When you complete installation, you are complete with Part 1 of the Developer Test. Then, continue to Part 2 of the test, which is on FreeCAD 101 in Task 1: Design a Corner Cube.)
Download OSE Linux
Go to OSE Linux and download the Current version. The current OSE Linux live ISO is Linux 2.0 at https://www.caldorkids.com/ose/. Review the instructions for installing it under the heading for your operating system below. If you'd like more info about it see the software development page OSE Linux.
Install on Linux
Install OSE Linux on Linux. Here is the video How To for Ubuntu 16.04 users, GUI version:
Review instructions here:
User Feedback, Q&A, and Workarounds:
Install on Mac
Follow the instructions here to learn How to Create a bootable Open Source Ecology (OSE) Linux USB Stick on Mac OS X.
Some found these additional resources helpful: How to Install and Dual Boot Linux and Mac OS, and How to install & set up Linux on a Mac.
User Feedback: Some had success. Will & Jozef couldn't get OSX to recognize the thumb drive on reboot. Jozef decided to run Linux in the virtual box Parallels. Will took a Lenovo and installed it on that.
Install on Windows
The links below would help with: Setting up the OSE_OS on a Virtual Machine (using VirtualBox) on a Windows System.
Note that some lag might be experienced with such an installation depending on your system specs and some OpenGL glitches have been reported in the past though they seem currently resolved. If the ability to switch seamlessly from Ubuntu to Windows without having to reboot is essential as an option, it might be worth a try:
Installing Ubuntu inside Windows using VirtualBox
Install Guest Additions to Windows and Linux VMs in VirtualBox
How to Access Folders on Your Host Machine from an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in VirtualBox
User Feedback:
If you are taking the Developer Test, continue to FreeCAD 101 when you have installed OSE Linux. There you will complete Part 2 of the test: Design a Corner Cube".