OSE Milestones 2013
From Open Source Ecology
- Establish University internships pipeline to receive up to 96 students per year, for 3 month summer internships and sememster internships.
- Establish Pilot Projects
- Establish production to $100k/year net by June 1, 2014.
- Establish Distributive Enterprise open franchise program - hosting weekend Enterprise Jams via Business Model Canvas framework.
- $2M in 12 months from major donors
- $25k/month from microfunds
- Establish college outreach program to visit 24 colleges worldwide per year, to deliver internship programs, and Development Jams
- Establish rapid design and prototyping pipeline via:
- Massive parallel online developmnent via Sunglass.io
- Crowd CAD development sessions
- Design Jams - physical location with careful collaboration architecture designed into the process
- Prototyping Jams - physical location with laser cutters, 3D printers, and CNC Torch Table/Router for real prototyping in metal or plywood.