OSE Model of Change Fundamentals
The open source ecology model of change relies on developing and publishing open source blueprints for machines, products, materials, and product ecosystems - and how to build infrastructures of civilizations with this knowhow. By opening such design, our model of change enables any location or community to create advanced civilization, leapfrogging to a modern standard of living that includes a healthy life and an ability to pursue a happy and prosperous life. This model allows for the creation of such infrastructures using benign technologies and processes that do not compromise the prosperity of future generations. The requirements for this is $10,000 in startup resources per person to achieve prsperity escape velocity. Execution is possible by collaboration, where 2400 people agree to an experiment of executing this on a replicable basis, buying out at the bottom for $10k. The prerequisite is the availability of open source blueprints for civiliation, at a cost of about $50M for each of the 2 dozen critical infrastructure areas (agriculture, water, housing, communication technology, hydrogen and energy, photovoltaics, semiconductors, precision machining, automation, heavy machinery, industrial plants for materials, aerospace, transportation, metallurgy, colaborative literacy, moral intelligence, education, and governance), totaling a development budget of about $1B. Each area is developed to the state of art, such that automated production can create open sector enterprise in each area. Significant resource is allocated to the education aspect, of producing detailed infrastructure building manuals for each sector. Each development area involves teams of 250 most capable developers producing the open blueprints, using common tools such as wikis, modular breakdown, and development templates to track all the necessary technology. Half the dev budget, $500M, goes to infrastructure development, after which point only about 1% of the budget is necessary to build the physical infrastructure ($10M) as technological degeneracy and modularity is perfected for each of the technology areas - and distributed production can happen via the open sector.
Therefore, according to the above model, 2400 people taken to life-practice school require 4 years to get to speed on building paradise, with a budget of $24M per paradise. This includes $10M in infrastructure cost, using the mobile consttruction trailers (solar concrete, lumber, bioplastic, solar steel) that have been developed in the open sector and made available to Paradise customers.