OSE Product Label
Provides a solute transparency for complete replicability
- Blueprints, as built
- BOM and vBOM
- Production engineerinh
- Costs - materials, labor, production energy, tooling, consumables
- Plant - facility built in
- Sourcing map - by place of origin
- Build instructions
- Embodied energy - calculations
- CO2 emissions above baseline. Baseline defined by carbon capture baseline.
- Build docs - pictures of build process
- Specifications
- Production value - plant production capacity , for post scarcity village economies
- Lifelong learning - materials on how it works, why, stewardship information, important facts and stats, etc. everything regarding 'how to do it right'
Notifies of:
- States which parts are open source and which are proprietary (off-shelf components are in many cases proprietary
- Whether it's an official OSE GVCS design or a derivative
- Core 50 and Derivatives should be differentiated for clarity to keep integrity of original kernel
- Calculates a score of 0-100 for the level of adherence to OSE specifications
- Need to update OSE Specifications for XM properties
- States where it was made
- States any other standards it complies with
- Provides data on performance
- Provides full BOM in QR code link