OSE Abundance Integration Model of Change

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The OSE model of change relies on psychosocial integration. To achieve transformation at the highest level, one must work to perfect oneself, gain the necessary motivation, and gain the necessary skill set starting with the necessary mindset. Profound world change towards abundance requires all these elements, without which the effort is largely futile. OSE's program works at all these levels. First 4 years are learning mindset, motivation, and thinking. 4 years to Mastery Level, full time, involves 10000 hours of practice. Mastery of learning, motivation, and thinking. Half of this is the productivity which has a profound effect on one's feeling of motivation and capacity, as tangible results are a good teacher. For the build part to be effective, it must be backed by a significant level of knowledge and internal work summarized in the

In the 8 years of our program, we reach scarcity escape velocity by the new mindset in 4 years, and practice of building a real sister campus in the last 4 years. There is 20000 hours that can gain 2 masteries. The first 4 years is the OSE Abundance Curriculum.

See notes from 2 notebook pictures 8/24/23 - [1]