OSE Rapid Learning Theory

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Whether we are interested in extreme performance, or an integrated knowledge set - it is useful to study the rate of learning. Indeed, it can be said that becoming a well-rounded individual is a prerequisite to a democratic society - otherwise we fall into the trap of specialization and competitive waste that stems from a lack of true communication and understanding between different disciplines of human endeavor.

If we are interested in becoming Integrated Humans as implied above, then it becomes useful to learn rapidly across numerous disciplines.

In fact, ift takes 10,000 hours of practice to develop genius-level performance in any field of endeavor - this is possible in as little as 2.5 years of dedicated effort. For the 12 hours of one day that one spends in wake activity, this means about 4000 hours per year of potential practice time - hence the 2.5 years.

For learning rapidly, we propose the following requirements of knowledge management, study, and practice to learn and perform in any field of endeavor. Once a field of endeavor is learned - patterns emerge. These patterns can be used to learn another field of endeavor more rapidly. Hence the claim for generalized skillsets as a means to a democratic society, where everyone pursues their true interests because of the financial independence or liberty that a productive skill set can provide.

  1. Purpose - moral intelligence that drives deep purpose of democratic and stewardship spirit, and promotes both intellectual and emotional intelligence. It is a deep sense of justice, freedom, pursuit of happiness, distinguishing between right and wrong, and creating abundance - leaving nobody behind.
  2. Understanding of knowledge architecture. Any field of endeavor or knowledge has a structure.
  3. Understanding of basic principles, rules, or procedures of a given area of endeavor. This may be laws of nature in physics, or rules of civil procedure in law.
  4. Understanding universal principles. These principles apply across all disciplines. Such as algorithms, basic logic, math, physics, morality, philosophy, language, general semantics, teleology, and other tools of universal applicability across multiple disciplines.
  5. Creativity - It is learned. Significant effort should be made to study this important field.
  6. Reading, writing, communicating - If one can write, one can explore ideas by oneself. If one can read (including knowing how to read, what to read, how to distinguish fact from fiction), then one can Time-Bind. Once a person develops ideas, then one can communicate them (by writing, speaking, presenting) to get feedback on those ideas.
  7. Applied Learning. Gaining under-the-seat motivation by immediate application. Nothing is a better teacher than necessity - learning something because you have to in order to make it through the day. For axample, a warrior will be quick to learn a weapon. An aspiring philosopher will want to drink knowledge. Or, for example, if you are a farmer and a valuable tool for doing some task does not exist - you are likely to invent it and build it yourself. Or if you get hired as a programmer, you will be motivated to learn Python. Etc.
  8. Understanding the language. Any field of endeavor has a language, representing the basic principles.
  9. Computer assist - software for design, calculations, and otherwise learning and gaining insight into an area of endeavor is useful.
  10. Patterns - templates, part libraries, forms, representative examples, samples, etc. If these are available, one can build on these for learning and performing in a given field of endeavor.
  11. Mentorship - whether from the living or the dead, having guidance from someone who has 'already done it' is critical for learning rapidly at breadth, like Einstein did. If you have no real person that can do this, the next best thing is autobiographies. Learn from the Autobiography of Ben Franklin, Autobiography of Frederick Douglass, or the Autobiography of Einstein as if they were talking to you.
  12. Enterprise - to learn anything exceeding well, it will serve you to make it available for consumption by others. Hence, the concept of enterprise, broadly speaking, arises. That enterprise may be production, a teaching enterprise, another service, or all of these.

Learning Design-Build-Enterprise

If design guides are available, admissible parts are selected for you, mechanisms identified, architectures mapped out, drag and drop software included in CAD, software snippets prepared, electronics construction set prepared - then you can engage in optimized design in rapid time. This is the nature of OSE learning in the 4 Year Fellowship.

The Fellowship is the most elite learning, consisting of an integrated approach for design, build, and enterprise. Design is the start, but a Rapid Learnign Facility allows you to reify immediately - including digital and computer-aided manufacturing straight from computer aided design files. Then you get into enterprise - vertically integrated - as you can produce feedstocks and manufacture at low cost from abundant resources.

Electronics construction set means you select the desired component, and software automatically includes for you support devices to make that component work, and software samplers are included to make any component work - then you can begin integrating any device you want. Microprocessors, sensors, and actuators can be created for anything you dream of.

At the end of the day, we care about lifetime design, access, and distribution of wealth. Because it is time to solve all of the world's problems.
