OSE Regions
Regional Community Building
The Open Source Ecology effort that has been started here has been an inspiration for many. If you find what they are doing in working towards a Resourced Based Society compelling and want to consider taking steps in this direction, then this is the place for you. Making a transition of this nature works best when a collection of like minded and principled people get together to build a community. The OSE group is building an online community for us to participate in, and if you are able you can also join them in Missouri. But for many of us there is still a need to work (in the traditional sense) and be near friends and family, so you may want to consider connecting with others near you to explore taking concrete actions towards realizing the goals of a resource based society. In taking these steps, we should recognize that OSE is an open effort, so while it serves as an excellent model, you can also work to improve and adjust the model to best utilize your regional resources, not the least of which is the people in your community.
This section of the OSE site is dedicated to providing regional information for you to find others in your area. If there are no listings near you, please use the wiki editing tools to add your region and contact info so that others may contact you and begin a dialog about how you might work towards building a Resource Based Community. Adding your info is as simple as editing this page by clicking the "edit" button on the top and adding your information following the prior examples. You should provide at a minimum your state, counties where such a community might be formed, and email contact info.
When contacting those listed here, I would suggest using a meaningful subject in your email like "Regarding Building a Resource Based Community" so that people searching through email and spam can find your email without it accidentally getting deleted.
Wishing you Peace, Equanimity and Joy!
Region Name: South Central Pennsylvania - York\Adams\Dauphin\Lancaster Counties
Contact: Kevin Cramer
Email Address: kcramer@sapiosciences.com
Region Name: Coulee Region - Southeast Minnesota & Western Wisconsin.
Contact: User:MatthewMetzger
Region Name: Central New York - Ithaca
Contact: Mark Norton
Email Address: markjnorton (at) earthlink (dot) net