OSE STEAM Camp email examples
E-mails for prospecting instructors
Linkedin connecting
Example 1
Hi [name],
Hope all is well with you! I've seen your profile on LinkedIn and I thought it would be worth us connecting so that we can get in contact for future STEAM & Sustainability Makerspace opportunities.
Regards, Andreas - Volunteering as a recruiter for Open Source Ecology
Linkedin follow up
Example 1
Thank you for accepting my invite [name]! :)
Right now we are looking for independent instructors or partners for our 9-day camp STEAM camps at OSE, and as you have worked with Makerspaces at your earlier position I wanted to check if this is something of interest to you?
Students in our camp learn to design and build common objects by building small working CNC tools using the OSE Universal Axis robotics construction set - including 3D Printer, circuit maker, and small CNC mill.
Students learn an entire design-build workflow that enables them to design and build common goods such as a robotic vacuum cleaner, a Raspberry Pi tablet, and an aerial drone.
We are holding events on multiple locations every second month and pay our instructors an expected 5-8K per event. Each instructors holds a local event, but the event is concurrent and involves remote as well as in location teaching. All teams connect also through the internet and gets connected to the other teams working in other places through the globe at the same time with the same workshop. It is really exciting!
The reason I contacted you is that I'm searching for people who have both a STEAM/STEM as well as Makerspace background. We haven't uploaded the job ad yet as we first are trying to source candidates we think have this combination of skills and interest.
If this sounds interesting I am sending you the job description which highlights the requirements we put on our instructors as well as the application process.
If you have any questions please let me know over LinkedIn or e-mail at andreas@opensourceecology.org
About the workshop: https://www.opensourceecology.org/steam-camp-january-2020/
The curriculum: https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/STEAM_Camp_9_Day_Curriculum
The position description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/169v3knwWDK0OhecMQTPpzW6e-mVABCA82UOvMlfiqPk/edit?usp=sharing
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards, Andreas Sjöstedt.