OSE Site Management Plan
From Open Source Ecology
- Pool - stabilized CEB plus pond liner. Design it. EPDM welding of 10' wide pieces.
- All areas that are mowed are used as mulch or converted into biomass pellets. First phase - stationary pelletizer + mower. Second phase - wet haybine baler. Third phase - wet pelletizer combine. Fourth phase - autonomous wet pelletizer haybine. Fifth phase - autonomous solar wet pelletizer haybine. If a modern combine does 150 acres per day [1] or about 20 ac res per hour at 300-500 hp, then an autonomous pelletizer with 1.5 kw practical 8x12 foot roof can do 1/200 of that - or 3/4 acre per day. Solar autonomous operation is fully practical.
- Site manager - looking for someone to do this as a part time position.
- Implanting of perennial polyculture by selective cutting of invasive species and replacement with useful plants. Useful means food, fuel, fiber plus habitat and ecology species.
- Use Miyawaki Method lines, 1 meter wide, or even 1/2 m wide on contour spaced 50 feet apart.
- 1 acre pond for all water supply including irrigation.
- Solar charging station fuels autonomous vehicles - with nickel iron battery storage. May be lithium ion for prototyping.