OSE Sociology

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This is what I have observed about the psychometrics and mindsets that allows individuals to engage in world-transformative work in the long haul. Just how does one engage in seminal work that makes a difference? What are the characteristics and requirements of such work, in terns of mindset or psychological requirements?

The psychological and teleological makeup of individuals is important to understand when designing programs for world transformation, due to the direction and focus required. This understanding is important in candidate selection, and in candidates understanding what they are getting into.

First is an aspect of performance psychology. Is one trying to make a difference? Many people will say yes - but actions speak louder than words when the necessary grit or commitment to the path is visible. Does the person do what is required to get there - in terms of continuing the work - in the day to day grind that requires continuing when few would be willing to continue? Ie, the discipline of continuing in meaning when nobody else sees that meaning or purpose.

First, what is their goal, and what are they doing to get there?

There could be an elite track at OSE where people commit to the Highest Good - that of making the world better for everyone.

Psychology of Transformative Work

Some tests of fundamentally transformative work are:

  • Are you getting paid from the substance that you are transforming? If not, it is just a sideline, and not likely to get transformative results because revolution is a full time job. Sure, you can consider easing part time into revolution, but it is not revolution until you go all in. If you are not all in, consider joining someone who is all in for pay, until your revolution starts paying off.
  • Transformation will work if it is cross-subsidized only if the substance of the cross-subsidy is Transformative in itself.
  • First, what is your definition of transformer? The OSE definition involves inclusive distribution of power (economic, influence, personal, political) as opposed to further empowerment of the powerful. That means Power Humility. Shifting the bell curve of Integrated Performance to the right. Examples: any non distributive enterprise does not count as transformation. Transformation must involve inclusive, distributed, clear, clean, simple, uncompromised, fundamental solutions to known issues, such as solar hydrogen for energy provision as opposed to Unclear (nuclear) power.
  • Does it have balls? Or does it just confirm to the herd?
  • Are protective measures built in to a given innovation - to move the dial for good applications as opposed to evil applications?
  • Does the enterprise further concentrate wealth, or just keep wealth mal-diztributed - or is it fundamentally Distributive?

If you decide on transformative work, get ready for 'violent opposition from mediocre minds' - as Einstein said. Opposition will also be subtle, such as from family or social expectations, which should be addressed and ignored for extraordinary results..