Oct 1, 2015 Schedule
From Open Source Ecology
- OBI meeting. Prep for moving porch. Monday and Tim. Plan porch move. Today and tom.
- ramset Annan lumber bought on Sunday.
- treated 2x8 - [1]. Untreated - [2]. $17 vs $14. 2x6x8 lumber - $4.19 - [3]
- Some invites - plus walkthrough posting. Ras.
- Design
- Promo vid script. Wha where, when. why, how. Unique. Intended audience. By combining IPM, Aquaponics, and soil food web principles - and using all 5 kingdoms - while operating with 100% local resources - iwhat is the area required to produce food from the sun?
- Instructionals -
- Keyline Plantout