One Size Fits All
A one size fits all approach is antithetic to OSE Specifications. OSE's work requires unlimited flexibility for its development and builds. Thus, flexible platforms such as FreeCAD meet OSE's needs really well. FreeCAD is infinitely modular and scalable. It is open source, and it is precisely its open source nature that allows for the variety of special or custom features, workbenches, or add-ons. For example, we can create dedicated design workbenches for specific machines.
For the same reason, one size fits all platforms such as Fusion 360 - designed for scalable mass use - can never meet the needs of all users, outside of basic functionality. For a scalable online platform to be highly adaptable - it is a serious management and operations difficulty on the part of the cloud platform. For this reason, cloud platforms tend to be highly centralized, and agility cannot be one of its strongpoints.