OpenSCAD Flighting Generator

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Parameters used above:

//The total amount of twist, in degrees Auger_twist = 360; //[90:1080]

//The radius of the auger's "flight" past the shaft Auger_flight_radius = 20; //[5:50]

//The number of "flights" Auger_num_flights = 1; //[1:5]

//The height, from top to bottom of the "shaft" Auger_flight_length = 10; //[10:200]

/* [Printer] */ //The overhang angle your printer is capable of Printer_overhang_capability = 0; //[0:40]

//The thickness of perimeter support material Auger_perimeter_thickness = 0.0; //[0:None, 0.8:Thin, 2:Thick]

//The radius of the auger's "shaft" Auger_shaft_radius = 5; //[1:25]

//The thickness of the "flight" (in the direction of height) Auger_flight_thickness = 1; //[0.2:Thin, 1:Medium, 10:Thick]

Auger_handedness = "right"; //["right":Right, "left":Left]
