Open Source AR Theatre
- A place where people can go and watch immersive films + shows
- Mainly a Bunch of booths with Open Source AR Headsets
Used For
- Movie theatre like AR Film Expirence
Industry Standards
Existing Open Source Designs
Minimum Viable Product
- Cheap enough for it to be considered worth it ($1-10 a good quality AR film 30 min - 240 min)
- Sanitary (sanitize all headphones and headphones between each use)
- Lag + Bug Free (no one likes these when trying to relax/have fun)
Basic Design
Check in + Ticket Area
- Sells tickets
- Sells over the counter nausia medications (for VR associated motion sickness if some people are really sensitive this may be neccisary, not most people though)
- Sells Food + Drink
- Sells mobile + cardboard headsets for home use
- Sels Copies of VR Films for Home Use
Theatre Booths
- A roomscale play area sized "cubicle style area" (not walled in but with dividers)
- Anywhere from 10x-1000x per theatre
- Each will have the following
- A label for booth allocation
- An optional curtain for those who feel awkward being in a headset where they can't see if someone is watching them
- A high quality desk/gaming chair
- An AR Headset on a nice wall mounted stand or desktop stand
- A High Quality Pair of Headphones on a nice wall mounted stand or desktop stand
- Sanitary Wipes (staff wil do this on all surfaces in between users for sanitary reasons)
- A Trash Can
- Review/Survey Forms/Tablet for feedback
Server Room
- Commercial Grade Networking for streaming all the movies at max resolution with no lag
- Commercial Quality NAS Unit, Can also store movies etc
See Also
Useful Links