Open Source Aquaponics Consortium

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  1. Best Practitioner Search
  2. Best Cultural Alignment Search - can be cross-boundary for cross-fertilization - filling in of organizational gaps
  3. Website
  4. Governance - Meritocratic Participation in Spawning Crowd Development. Crowd Development is Technical Dev, with Collaborative Grantwriting for Prototype Builds - ie, rewards is $25k packages fundraised via local foundations or crowdfunders. $5k
  5. Infographic
  6. Explainer

Requirements for Video Script

  • Mechanics key: breakdown into parts; each part has state of art that we wish to uncover - specific detailed instructions; synthesis is Challenge #2; strongpoint is IPM skill + mushrooms - 2 solid SMEs on the team. Goal is a specific economic package. Economic Significance: bottom line, is it must work. Both in cases of production for market, or production for a CSA, where members participate in some growing and harvesting via aquaponics training workshops - also as a chance for others to start their own.