Open Source Dehumidifier
From Open Source Ecology
- A device that removes water from the air
- Models with different methods
- Models with constant run vs "smart" set humidity?
- Main original version will use a TEM , heatsinks, and an arduino
- Others could be dessicant + heat regeneration, or Electroosmosis
Industry Standards
Existing Open Source Designs
Minimum Viable Product
- Either drains into a tank, or a small pipe fitting
- Optional arduino integration, with a simple off/on swtch being the other option
- Additional modules can be added to improve capacity
- Uses standard cpu heatsinks?
- Future custom "cold side" water condenser?
Basic Design
- Either a switch, or an arduino with a humidity probe and temperature prob inserts
- With the arduino also perhaps remote control itegration (Zigbee, BLE, etc)
- Small cheap square
- Just needs to reach at or below the dew point
- This will be inneficient, but it will work as needed, and is cheap to buy, so if power is plentiful, this is of little issue
Heat Exchanger
- Standard CPU air-solid heat exchanger?
- Cheap "stock" ones would work?
- Untill a custom cold side condensation optimized device is developed, 2 will be needed, one for each side
- Either a custom 3D Print, or a Breakout Box from a hardware store
- Sealed path leads to fitting
- Barb fitting perhaps, or screw?
- Optional water resevoir, low production, but this is mostly pure distilled water
- Basic "set humidity" -> check all the temp/humidity sensors -> run the math needed to determine TEM voltage and run time
- Essentially a thermostat for humidity
- Also optional ovveride switches, and some cheap display (7 segment would even work)
See Also
Useful Links