Open Source Fablet

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Open source phone tablet without a phone, relying on modern cell phone for advanced controls and phone capacity per se.

Goal: use modern cell phone for high quality function, fablwt for.other control, minimalist arduinos for basic controls. Develop powerful applications such as inverters, surveying, measurement, machine controls, induction furnace, etc. Ruggedized tablet. Cheap arduinos at $1/core. Lifetime camera by upgrade ability in tablet. Specialized cameras in tablet. Form factor of fablet is negotiable and infunitely changeable for different applications. Includes mil spec ruggedization. Reusable components in the most standard forms. Mag connect, with cam lock as usual fix. Modular connectors and power stages. Full capacity to modify circuits, and to create complex reconfigurable circuits via FPGAs.

  • Has a good camera.
  • Modern phone has screen etc.
  • Can be uses as server
  • Can be used as satellite controller for satellite internet
  • unlimited memory plugin
  • phone or tablet control capacity for Minimalist Arduino
  • Basic workshop - build a minimalist controller, Fablet, Arduino home automation (monitoring, power turn-on, lights) involving busing phone for display and control linked to Arduino for power control (lights, temp, humidity, etc). Solid state power inverter, network, server. fablet has a good camera for pictures. Uses magnetic coupling for quick power connection up to 1A.
  • Possibly a distributed server infrastructure, with each campus hosting a swrver. To 100k servers. Fabrication machine controller. Joystick integration to tablet and phone.
  • External stackable battery pack for unlimited life, including interop with power tool bats.