Open Source Joule-Thomson Cryocooler
- A device that uses the joule thompson effect for cryocooling
- A compressor compresses the gas stream, this adds heat. The heat is then taken away by cooling the compressed gas stream. Once it is cooled it is depresurreized and that heat is lost bringing its temperature down further. this gas is then fed back through until it is liquidified.
- This is mainly for the production of liquid gasses, not instrument cooling
Used For
- Medium-large scale liquid gas production
Industry Standards
Existing Open Source Designs
- This instructable + their website linked in it
Minimum Viable Product
- As cheap to produce as reasonably possible
- Durable
- Effective
- As energy efficient as reasonably possible
Basic Design
Gas Intake Module
- Takes in an uncompresses / moderately compressed gas stream
- It then cleans and dries it to ensure that it doesnt cause probems in th system
Compression Module
- This uses a compressor, such as a diving tank compressor, to compress the pure gas stream to very high pressure
Cooling Module
- This cools the compressed gas stream using an ice bath or modified refrigerator
Expansion Module
- This either uses a nozzle, or a turbine (turboexpander) to decompress the gas stream
Sorting Module
- This seperates the liquidified gas from the simply chilled gas
Regenerative Cooling Module
- This takes the gas that was cooled, but not liquuified, and adds it to the input gas stream
Liquid Temporary Storage
- This is a delwar that the sorting module empties the liquified gas into for temperary storage
See Also
Usefull Links
- This Instructable on how to build one
- This website by the same person who made the instructable
- This wikipedia page on the liquification of gases
- This wikipedia page on the Joule-Thompson Effect
See Also
Usefull Links
- Wikipedia Page on thermoelectric cooling with references to thermoelectric cryocoolers
- A wikipedia page on cryocoolers with a section on thermoelectric cryocoolers