Open Source Powerboat
- An open source boat powered primarily by Pump-Jets, which are in turn powered by a remote powercube array
- Is a part of the Open Source Watercraft Construction Set
- Is easily maintainable
Used for
- Transportation of People
- Transportation of Goods
- Open Water Fishing
- Open Water Farming of Water Based Plant Life (i.e Seaweed)
- Recreation
Industry Standards
Minimum Viable Product
- Open Source
- Modular
- User Maintainable
- User Upgradable
- Scaleable ( A 5 Meter Aquafin/Laser Clone all the way to a massive yacht over 20 Meters )
- Has an inboard hydraulic pump-jet motor powered by a "PowerCube Array"
- Electric/Bio-diesel/DME Powered
- Unsinkable (i.e filled with a foam like material see this
- Is much cheaper while still retaining quality
- Optional Automation
- Larger versions contain all major utilities (Water (Both Stored and Made on Board) , Ac+DC Power, Networking, Communication, etc. )
- Pump Jet Powered Maneuvering Thrusters
- Centralized Cathodic Protection
Basic Design
See Also
- Open Source Watercraft Construction Set
Usefull Links
- Wikipedia Page on Motorboats