Open Source Supercharger
- An air compressor powered by the engine itself (either by direct connection to the crankshaft, a belt system, or a gear system)
Used For
- Open Source Motor/Engine Construction Set
- Increases engine efficiency and/or power by compressing the air in the cylender to allow for more fuel to be used, or to burn the same amount of fuel more efficiently
- Also if used in aircraft engines, it allows for operation at higher altitudes
Industry Standards
Existing Open Source Designs
Minimum Viable Product
- As cheap as possible
- Modular
- Can be used with all the [Recipricating Engines in the Open Source Motor/Engine Construction Set]
- 10 PSI increase over ambient pressure (may need a metric/SI standard too...)
Basic Design
- Holds Everything Together
Engine COnnection
- Either by direct connection to the crankshaft, a belt system, or a gear system
- Connects the turbine to the compressor
- Actually compresses the air
- DIY, or off the shelf?
Air Tubing
- Takes air from the compressor to the Controller module and/or the intercooler
- Cools down the compressed gas so as to not effect combustion negatively
- Is connected to the engine radiator system, or could just use a heat sink (like those used on CPU's)
Controller Module
- Takes the compressed air, and adds the metered amout to each piston/rotor chamber
- Interfaces with the engine computer
See Also