Open Source X-Ray Imaging
This can provide internal 3D Scanning of metal objects. This is done using a CT (Computed Tomography) scanner - formerly known as CAT scanner.
Used For
Existing Open Source Designs
Industry Standards
Minimum Viable Product
Basic Design
- Arduino CT scanner (Computed Tomography) - [1].
- Another DIY CT scanner - no voice - [2]
- CERN Open source computation of 3D images from 2D scans - OpenCT
- DIY x-ray source from Hackaday by Matt "Sigurthr" Giordano - [3]
- Digital Radiography - Wikipedia - [4]
- Coolidge Tube x-ray source, old tech - [5]
- Phone app for Geiger counter - [6]
- Dental x-ray source, new - $500 - [7]
- Photostimulable phosphor - [8]
- X rays can hit a photostimulable phosphor image plate to emit light, which can be detected by a regular camera CCD detector. [9]. Can this be used as a low cost way to generate x-ray images?
- You can use a beryllium window to turn a regular camera into an x-ray camera - Instructables - [10]
- Spectrometry - x-ray fluorescence - [13]