Organoponic Raised Bed Gardening
Organoponic Raised Bed gardens - the ultimate growing method outdoors would consist of fertigated (irrigated with fertilizer) raised compost beds, replacing poor soil, poor moisture conditions. Fertilizer could be organic or microbial cultures. This is an integration of John Jeavons' bio-intensive growing with hydroponics, both of which are efficient techniques. Food self-sufficiency with minimum weeding is a byproduct.
Product ecology: if grown in a greenhouse, plastic extrusion of greenhouse glazing is relevant. If the raised beds are outside, then a Hammer Mill is relevant for large-scale compost shredding.
- Solexx type greenhouse plastic
- instructables cutting tool for celular pane plastic - rollup shutter shape and custom cutting tool -- can be used for greenhouse arch shapping
Plans for a permaculture gardens that incorporate aquaponics:
- Here is a plan for a polyculture greenhouse from John Todd's work at Intervale Farms in Vermont that produces high value crops like mushrooms, salad greens and fish from waste materials like straw, spent animal bedding and waste grains.
- ArkFab design
- Barrelponics
- New Alchemy Institute papers - see 'Bioshelters' section