Outreach Guidelines

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Allied Efforts

  • HR represents OSE, so simply be nice and express our goals
  • Introduce yourself, provide TED Talk link for anyone not familiar.
  • Emphasis on open source collaboration, helping each other, etc
  • Best is to find and recruit a founder, community manager, or active contributor
  • These 2 steps should be done together to get the fastest response:
  • One: ask them what is the best place to post
  • Two: post as instructed.
  • If relevant - invite leaders to the Monday Dev Team meeting for a 15 minute presentation about their product (Cura, Kdenlive, etc)
  • Team Meeting - finds out basics of their product, and asks for their status, roadmap, needs, collaboration possibility so OSE can help them, how we can advertise to recruit collaborators from their community
  • Best workflow is contacting groups -> enlisting them -> developing curriculum -> finding OSE Devs/Documenters

Other Efforts

Other efforts may have nothing to do with Open Source, but could still have similar public-interest goals.

  • Focus on the public-interest aspect of OSE work.

Sample Outreach Emails
