Perennial Polyculture Breeding Log
Tue Jun 7, 2016
Sun May 15, 2016
Letter to Phil and Ron,
21" for the largest hazel from soil level. Is that good?
Fungus gnats are licked, as represented by health of plants. Thanks Ron.
Now looking at plantout. I am considering a flail mower/tiller digging up 2" of topsoil, and concentrating it on a 2 foot wide hillock using shaper deflectors. Strategy is to do one Keyline pass, flail, then planter. All in One pass, 27hp on tracks and 54 hp on flail. Then later in season, ollowed by irrigation with cow manured water. Will side mulch it as time allows. Looking at 30 fpm machine speed, and spacing of 2' - I do t think I have enough acreage if I do 60' spacing. I want to get GPS solar hydraulic chicken and pig tractors between the rows. At least do some 60'.
Phil, can you send me a proposed row strategy for breeding purposes?
Blue lines are the concept plantout on Slide 2 - reality probably have other needs: The site is 25 acres shown in Slide 2 - the land with elevation contours is ours with contours at 5'.
I have tons of ID#19, but if you could let me know any specific rationale points for plantout arrangement, please do so. Are there any IDs that we want closer together?
I know:
1. Keep the same ID type together.
2. Make access easy
3. Allow machine harvest.
4. 60' spacing at least some rows for GPS solar-hydraulic animal tractors.
When will you be planting yours? I'm trying to get all mine in by June 15.