Perfect Day Formula
From Open Source Ecology
- Up at 5
- Meditation + Personal development to 7 or 8
- Work 8-3
- Admin after work
- Exercise after work
- Review and Plan every night
- 10/3/2/1 - coffee, food, work, screens/computers. See post - [1]
- Rule: sensing of body/psychology/feelings - no problem-solving, just identification of issues
- That is the most clear and focused time of day
- Integration of psychology, body, self-determination.
- Processing and integration of new information into actionable items
- Journaling and identification of pain points. Purpose: Mental hygiene - so you document a point and identify it and pin it down, so it does not whip you like a wild elephant. Tame the elephant. Compartmentalize and return to it
- Keep refining the Perfect Day Formula - keep working it until you attain discipline
- Work. Finish at 3, otherwise go with admin till 4 or until done and cleared up.
- Wind down
- Exercise
- Family time
- Reading time