PopUp House
Pop-Up House: the affordable passive house from PopUp House on Vimeo.
- $170-220 /sf for build cost [1]. Just the building and site work. No hookups or land cost included. With land at $40k, that would make 2000 sf home $450k + utility hookups.
Build Model
From https://www.popup-house.com/construire/:
There's a group in France that came up with a really easy to build, energy efficient house. They have a good idea but they don't allow homeowners to build the house themselves (even though it looks very easy). Is there any chance you would be interested in doing something similar but of course, let people build it on their own? Here's a link to one of their videos: http://www.popup-house.com/en/ . This could really impact housing availability for low-income people and those who don't want to go into debt.
Gail Williamson
If they share, we are game. -MJ 2016
We do Extreme Enterprise - we are game. - MJ 2020