Powder Bed Based 3D Printing Processes
(Redirected from Powder Bed Based 3D Printing Process)
- Any of the 3d Printing Methods that use a surface of powder for each level
Laser Based
Electron Beam Based
Binding Agent Based
Metal Powder + Powder Crucible Deposition Based
Internal Links
External Links
- The Wikipedia Page on 3D Printing Processes
- An Article by "3D Print . Com" titled "Push Button Metal: Players in Low-Cost PBF Metal 3D Printing"
- A Link to "Sharebot" (more info on the italian version it seems) an open source? company
- A Link to "FreeMelt" an open source EBM machine?
- A Link to "Open Additive" which has some USA DoD contracts for containerized ( HMCU like ) printers