Proposed Development Method Adoption Governance
To engage the open source hardware community, these are our rules of engagement:
1. Inviting Practitioners - We are inviting those who are actively engaged in building OSHWA-compliant open source hardware - and are steeped in the subtleties and challenges of documentation, development, its continuity, and its financial sustainability. We are looking especially for those of you who think that open hardware development has reached nowhere near its potential development velocity for accelerating innovation, and who can propose effective solutions. We are seeking entrepreneurs who are exploring innovative open source hardware business models. We are interested in practical experience more than the theoretical side. In order to join the effort, start with the Development Method Working Team application.
2. Scope - When people discuss Open Source Hardware, typically that refers to the design and documentation of blueprints. This is a subset of OSE's interest in open hardware, and much needs to be done along this front. However, our scope is much bigger, and includes institutional experimentation of how to change frameworks and systems for facilitating the diffusion of open hardware. We are interested in enterprise development based on open hardware, and organizational innovation in order to bring about more open hardware.
3. Modularity and Granularity - The Mother of All Development Methods could take hundreds of Ph.D. theses to complete. To begin that process, we follow a granular and modular approach. Granularity means that we will seek to break down the overall methodology into small steps. Modularity refers to selecting particular aspects of overall open source hardware development- such as: Basic Documentation Process; Design/Build Process; Enterprise Creation Process - and many others. Thus, this approach will be able to accommodate many different projects and many different project states and complexities. For example, a beginner working on a small project should have access to the most basic design/documentation platform. For larger projects with more complexity which intend to scale their efforts in size and scope - such as OSE - we will have a more detailed, granular, comprehensive process that leads up to open source enterprise training.
4. Working Teams Approach - To develop different modules of the Development Method, working teams will be created with at least 5 people per team. When a larger number of participants joins the effort, multiple Working Teams will be created, and will organize around development of specific Dev Method modules. The goal of the Team approach is to guarantee continuity and a minimum amount of effort. Team member selection will be determined by the experience and skill set of the applicant. Team member Selection will be made by the Development Method Steering Team (Founder, Catarina, Alicia, Joshua, Jonathan). At first, the overall Development Method Working Group may be a single group, but once more than 6 team members are available, other groups will be created, and will coordinate directly with other Teams.
5. Team Governance - Contribution to the Development Method Working Team is open to anyone. Contributions to the Survey of Workflows and Practices are the first step. If OSE is interested in adapting a particular workflow or practice, OSE may contact the practitioner of the workflow or practice for collaboration. Contributors should include their email if they would like to participate on the Working Team. The second step will be to discuss the submissions. and rate these. The third step will be to identify missing steps. We will select team members based on team members' skills and aptitudes. For each team, the goal is for a leader to emerge such that the Team Leader will then interact with other Team Leads of the Developnent Method Working Group. The