Python 101
OSE Rapid Learning
OSE pursues rapid learning by providing an immersion learning environment. For Python, the infrasctructure to be created involves:
- Addition of a python editor (Integrated Development Environment) and any necessary utilities to OSE Linux
- Instructionals for programming using the selected Python editor
- Blackboard video covering the necessary concepts
- Software architecture considerations for using Python and interacting with python
- Hackable code snippets that are testable in an editor.
- Select the best python IDE / editor that meets OSE Specifications
- Add the editor to OSE Linux
- Provide instructionals based on the selected IDE
- Include important libraries in the OSE Linux distribution
- A basic competency list for using Python to solve problems might involve
- Variables, Types, Operators, and Objects
- Functions; First-Class Objects and Basic Structured Programming
- Modules and Importing; Reusing Code, Finding and Installing Packages
- Flow Control Structures and Object-Oriented Programming
- Debugging
- List Comprehensions, and an Introduction to Generators and Functional Programming
OSE Case
Lex says:
I very highly recommend PyCharm. The community edition is Open Source.
We are pretty lucky that JetBrains open sourced this stuff, PyCharm is the most advanced Python editor out there. This is like if SolidWorks was open sourced.