Randall Stutman
From Open Source Ecology
- https://fs.blog/knowledge-podcast/randall-stutman/
- Ubiquitous patterns - leaders are admired and skilled - rare combo. Most leaders are not admired. Admiration is in every aspect of their life.
- How to provide feedback. Not easy. Technique vs routine. Routine - you do all the time. Key: balanced review. Detailed on good parts. Detailed in bad parts. Balance on both sides.
- Ask for and emit priority. what is your priority now?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses. That is self-awareness.
- What did people mis-estimate about you?
- Why are people coachable or not? Not if the like their performance. Good outcomes.
- Culture eats strategy for lunch. Talent sets the table. to affect most deeply, you must start with talent.
- If a problem persists - someone is benefitting from that problem. They like the distinction.
- Inspiration vs motivation. Latter is lighting the fire. Motivational things can be inspirational. Understand what motivates people. Mastery-purpose-autonomy. Incentives motivate people. Belonging motivates. Some people, others not so much. Sizing up. Then you figure out what is motivational and inspirational. It's not universal. We need specific things for different people. But - there is one motivation that is universal.
- Fanship - rooting for someone is universal. Being a fan. Fan all the time. Fanness must be consistent. Only a fan keeps it alive for longer. Keeps good news alive about someone. What would a fan do? It is all-in vs just doing a job. At the end of criticism. Motivation/inspiration is one element. Performance and other elements are also parts of leadership. We can choose to lead vs not to lead.
- How you react is what is important. 'You have a choice now to make this better or worse.'