RepRap Part Sourcing
Main > Digital Fabrication > RepLab Tools > RepRap
Here is a process for sourcing RepRap parts for the 3D Printer
Printed pieces and extruder
Metal hardware from hardware store
Controller and electronics - $140 kit from the US
- generation 3 electronics recommended - [1]
4 z axis stepper motors - $4.5 each at [2]
Power supply
- Here is the cheap stepper Forrest found, which is suitable for my simplified z-axis design
- [3]
- We are essentially following:
Z Axis Simplification
We are replicating Chris Palmer's HydraRaptor z axis as described on Chris's Blog. Here are the changes required:
My z-axis removes all the RP parts with a z-prefix. it also loses a lot of M8 nuts and washers, two M5 bolts that hold the motor bracket and 4 M5 bolts that hold the motor, plus the belt of course. The four lengths of studding become all the same length and a bit shorter. Mine are about 270mm. They depend on the motor height and shaft length.
Additional parts are: -
- 4 M4 x 50 cap screws to hold my motor brackets vertically.
- 4 M5 x 40 cap screws to hold my motor brackets horizontally.
- 8 M4 x 45 cap screws to hold the motors.
plus nuts and washers of course.
Also about 100cm of plastic tubing that is a tight fit over M8 thread.
- z axis motors - they are $4.50,
- and here they are only $2.00!