Rod Scott
- ASCE standards
- Territory of Virgin Islands
- Territory of Puerto Rico
- Having people build their housing.
- "We want to be an innovation company"
- We're not in it to be millionaires, not taking high profit
- Do you have ethical issues? Yes, other companies take as much from the pot as possible
- 30 years of construction and structure repair
- Knows this will be a game changer for super low income families
- Public, private, non-profit - 3 legged stool for disaster recovery
- Your company - Ducky Johnson - funded Rod after Sandy to do public education
- Rod is excited about collaborating with OSE
- Rod lives at 30000 foot elevation, forward thinking
- Sees crowd build as part of the future for disaster relief - help people build the homes for themselves
- Crowd build and DIY build must be part of future - as gummit cannot do it - only 4-5 people get help of 10. Don't leave the 5 other behind
- Wife is 33 year veteran planning director of her city
- Can help certify homes to engineering specifications
- They have 4 engineering companies working for them
- Get us certified to ASCE - that could be their contribution
- OSE/OBI is for those who cannot be helped as one of the 4-5 people helped
- 1700 ton structures can be moved
- Beams 60 foot long
- Weld them up to 160 feet welding - 1" flange, body 1.5", 40" tall
- At end of July - will bring OSE/OBI to Ducky Johnson.