STEAM Camp Concept Development

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  • 9 days is hard outside of summer
  • 5 days is doable
  • Make 5 day project more creative? But...we all have to agree to work as a team. Positioning: the 5 days is about learning to collaborate. It's an experiment in getting people to work together. Therefore, primary emphasis is on working together - the project we choose is secondary. The interest in this is to see what is possible with collaboration - and that this indeed is a favorable outcome to each person getting to work on their pet project. The idea is that we have an Admissible Project list: ones that fit criteria of (1) econommic significance and meeting real needs in multi-billion dollar markets, (1) social good, (2) environmental good. We select doable projects. If you are attached to a pet project, this may not be for you. We decide on a project in the first session (1 hour), and then everyone is expected to consider it their pet project, with all energy going to completing that project.

