STEAM Camp Remote Participant Emails

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Dear Remote Participants,

We are nearing the event - and it will be an exciting time.

You can join us at 9 AM CST USA time on the first day - Sat June 29 for my intro lecture. It will be 1-2 hours long. I will start with my 4 minute TED talk - and then we will start by sharing our learning goals with the people on site. You are also welcome to participate by sharing your goals.

We will do a screencast of the presentation, with another window showing the scene from the room. We should have ample bandwidth to broadcast with multiple screens live - which you select by shifting between any of the screens. We will be using Jitsi. Please click on the link to make sure that video and audio work for you:

You also have a chance to contribute to the design that we will actually build in a meaningful way.

The schedule will be simply:

  • 9 AM and 2 PM every day for 2 lectures each day. There may be other brief lectures of key points from the workshop that we may post ad-hoc, and these will be recorded, so you won't miss anything. We will give you a heads up if we have airtime. We may record a summary of the day's activities at 5:30 or 6 PM each day to recap the learnings. Since there are 9 days and 18 lessons + 3 intro lectures - the first 3 days may have more than 2 hours of lecture time.
  • Recordings - We will upload the recordings right after the lectures, and you can access all of them from
  • The 5 project days begin on July 9. During that time - we invite you to participate remotely in the collaborative design session for the machines that we build on site. You can help us get better build results - by participating in the design session where we upload and download parts and assemblies generated in FreeCAD. This is an interesting experiment in scalable, global collaboration. We plan on 10 AM to 1 PM each day to collaborate on the design of what we will actually build. We will keep you informed of any timing updates.
  • Please follow and communicate on our channel - OSE Workshops FB Group - If you are not on FB, please use this email thread. Feel free to post any updates on your learning and questions at the FB group.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and see you soon.
