STEM Camp Benchmarking

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Most from -



  • $500-1000 per week for specialty camps such as STEM - [1]. That's about right - about $100-200 per day.
  • Digital Media Academy - 5 day to build a robot - $1100 tuition + $700 for residential- [2]
  • Coolest camp - Space Camp- $1000 for 6 days residential- [3]
  • National Computer Camps - $1250 for 5 days residential - [4]
  • 7 day film camp, NY Film Academy - $1600- [5]
  • Summary: Top programs are all above $1k for 5 days and up. $170-$360 per day residential for the top 20 camps, with 5 data points.
  • Suggested case - $125 per day, and $100 per day for early bird.
  • 44 students, 4 days, 100k canadian revenue. $570 per day - outlier in benchmarks. 2017 July Stem Camp. 2 instructors - had 2 assistants. Designing a motor, geardowns, motor power. Patrick did some bit of background knowledge, such as turning on the robot.


  • Johns Hopkins - $3k per month, additional $4k if residential - [6]
  • 3 week residential - $4500 - [7]
  • $5k 1 month of MathPath - [8]
  • MIT month course - free - [9]. May want to reach out to the prof [10].

Day Camps

  • Flight Center - $1250 for 6 days - [11]
  • About $50/day is normal - [12]
  • Second coolest stem camp - $300/week - Discovery Center - [13]
  • $1200 for a 5 day day camp on proprietary 3D printing - ID Tech - [14], including a $200 printer. $200 per day basic fee.
  • 25-35 per day for day camp - [15]
  • This 3D printing camp is $80 per day for day camp - [16]
  • $50/day for 5 day day camp -[17]
  • 2 week Cornell- $4500 - [18]
  • 12 day - $925 - [19]

Specific Examples

  • $700 for one week with housing.
  • 6 days for $895 with housing
  • $1250 for a week with housing

We have 2 more days. And unique material. Set comparable price minus $300 for travel with 7 weeks notice.

Focus on OSE strength of product Ecology, real applications, and actual machine design.

Real applications sets us apart from anyone else. We are e the only STEM Camp on machine design and build.

Comparison of Programs Chart

  • Check out this one that prides itself on proprietary curriculum - [20]
